Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Book Review: The Awe-Manac

The Awe-Manac by Jill Badonsky is exactly what its tagline says it is:  a daily dose of wonder.  It's one part almanac, one part journal, one part coach, one part muse.  It sparks your creativity on many levels by providing food for creative thought throughout your day.  Each day starts with you naming the day, (i.e., Kick that Cold Day) and completing the sentence:  Today I get to ________.  What a cool way to set a goal. 

From there you'll find any variety of celebrations, quotes, and observances.  You may be asked to write an ode to peanut butter, or doodle a bird, or take a walk.  Every day is an adventure, waiting to be experienced, just like real life.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who is looking for a different way to jumpstart their creativity.  The exercises are quick, and Jill's sense of humor is infectious.  You're sure to start your day with a smile, and a bit of awe, indeed.

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